
作者:佚名 来源:网友投稿 2023-06-05 20:07

riven's background riven was once a proud warrior of noxus, but after witnessing the horrors of war, she became disillusioned with her country...



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riven's background

riven was once a proud warrior of noxus, but after witnessing the horrors of war, she became disillusioned with her country's ways and left to find her own path. she is now a wandering swordswoman, seeking redemption for her past actions. riven is known for her incredible sword skills and her ability to take down enemies with ease. she is also known for her iconic weapon, the runic blade, which she wields with deadly precision.

riven's abilities

riven's abilities are what make her such a formidable opponent on the battlefield. her passive ability, runic blade, allows her to deal bonus damage with every third basic attack. her q ability, broken wings, allows her to dash forward and strike up to three times, dealing damage with each strike. her w ability, ki burst, allows her to stun enemies in a small area around her. her e ability, valor, allows her to dash forward and shield herself from incoming damage. finally, her ultimate ability, blade of the exile, allows her to unleash a powerful shockwave that deals massive damage to all enemies in a cone in front of her.

riven's playstyle

riven is a high-risk, high-reward champion that requires a lot of skill and practice to master. her kit allows her to be incredibly mobile and deal massive amounts of damage, but she is also very squishy and can be easily taken down if caught out of position. riven players need to be able to quickly assess the situation and make split-second decisions in order to come out on top. she is a champion that rewards aggressive playstyles and punishes those who play too passively.

riven's skins

riven has a variety of skins available in league of legends, each with its own unique look and feel. some of her most popular skins include the crimson elite riven, the battle bunny riven, and the championship riven. each skin offers a different take on riven's character and allows players to customize their experience with the champion.


riven is a powerful and iconic champion in league of legends. her incredible sword skills and high-risk, high-reward playstyle make her a favorite among players worldwide. whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the game, riven is a champion that is sure to provide a thrilling and rewarding experience.